A look into Hydration Whitening
By introducing hydration to avoid desiccation, you can finally whiten your patients’ teeth with significantly decreased tooth sensitivity, without sacrificing whitening results. TheraSmile® is revolutionizing in-office whitening, offering extraordinary growth potential for your practice and exceptional results for your patients.

Solving Patient Discomfort From Tooth Desiccation
Desiccation occurs regularly with standard teeth whitening treatments. The issues that desiccation presents are two-fold:
1. Patient Sensitivity.
Tooth sensitivity caused by desiccation affects patient comfort and satisfaction, during and after treatment, which can directly impact the revenue of your practice.
2. Misleading Results.
In addition to sensitivity, desiccation also yields dehydrated teeth and results that don’t last. With dehydration during in-office whitening, teeth often appear whiter post-treatment than they actually are, only to significantly darken as time goes by. Hydration Whitening allows teeth to be hydrated post-treatment so patients can go home with accurate results and leave you more confident performing treatments.
At Mavrik, we set out to solve desiccation by developing Hydrating Whitening. Finally, a solution! TheraSmile® is the only in-office system on the market that uses Hydration Whitening technology. This groundbreaking technology will forever change the future of in-office whitening.
The Comfort of Hydration Whitening
The vacuum seal of the TheraSmile® Hydration Whitening mouthpiece provides intraoral isolation so chambers can form around the teeth, giving the treatment fluids room to flow.
Hydration Whitening only by Mavrik Dental Systems is the solution that will give your practice the highest level of confidence and excellence in whitening with patient comfort unmatched by any other product.
with hydration
enamel penetration
Patient-centered care with spectacular, sustainable results**
Meanwhile, across several clinical trials, the majority of patients consistently reported sensitivity after other in-office whitening treatments1,2
1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21740236/
2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34658374/

The vacuum seal created by the TheraSmile® Whitening mouthpiece provides intraoral isolation and forms chambers surrounding teeth through which hydrated treatment fluids flow. Refreshed fluids are continuously circulated over the targeted treatment area to intensify whitening and prevent desiccation.
The TheraSmile Whitening treatment is delivered in six cycles within a fully closed system. Each of the six cycles lasts for six minutes and finishes with a one-minute rinse to remove used gel and start the next cycle with freshly activated fluids.

MavGuard® and ArmorLC® are integral to the success of TheraSmile®. High-volume 360-degree exposure* with TheraSmile Whitening activated fluids demands 360-degree gingival isolation. We've got gingiva covered with MavGuard® and ArmorLC®.

TheraSmile® is changing the future of whitening with automated and accurate gel mixing. TheraSmile® Whitening high-volume gel cartridges come prefilled and ready for application. Automated gel application ensures precise and consistent concentrations for repeatable, predictable results.

patient comfort
confidence in whitening
impressive results